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Principal for a Day invites community business and civic leaders to spend a morning with a school principal to better understand their complex role and get perspective on the school system from within.
Sponsored by the Pasadena Educational Foundation, Pasadena Unified Principal for a Day is a catalyst for relationships between local businesses and schools that bring volunteers, resources, and motivation to our students and enrich our community.
Principal for a Day has now involved more than 450 community members and helped build lasting relationships between the schools, businesses, and the wider community. Participants spend a morning on campus shadowing a PUSD school principal, giving them a rare and valuable perspective of running a public school.
Contact us at connect@pasedfoundation.org
2018 Principal for a Day
“The children seemed so comfortable and happy. The school radiated positivity.
The Principal knew EVERYONE! It was an incredible experience.”
Principal for a Day 2017
2017 guest principals included:
Judge Paul Watford – U.S Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit, Steve Schell – Co-founder and CEO New Matter, Jennifer Hall Lee – Filmmaker, Elizabeth Jones – Institute for Educational Advancement, Felicia Williams – City of Pasadena Planning Commissioner, David Eads – Executive Director and CEO Pasadena Tournament of Roses, and State Senator Anthony Portantino.
After the day on campus, the 2017 class of “Principal for a Day” graduates will gather for a luncheon and meet other principals and community leaders at Altadena Town & Country Club to share their experiences. Jason Roberts, co-founder and Executive Director of the Math Academy, served as this year’s keynote speaker. Other speakers include, Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek, Senator Anthony Portantino, and PUSD Superintendent Dr. Brian McDonald.
See our full list of 2017 Principals here.
Support Your Community Schools
Principal for a Day is one of the many ways the Pasadena Educational Foundation helps connect the resources of our community with our public schools.