Every Student. Every School. Every Day. DONATE!
Support the Pasadena Educational Foundation
Every student deserves access to high-quality, well-funded public education. Your support of the Pasadena Educational Foundation will ensure that all of our students have access to high-quality teaching and enriching programs. Our schools are stronger today and will be even stronger tomorrow because of the support of civic-minded individuals like you.
Did you know?
- Enhance elementary music programs so that every 3rd grader receives violin instruction, with band and orchestra now available for 4th and 5th graders.
- Fund My Masterpieces field trips for every K-6 student in the district to our 10 partner arts and cultural organizations, such as Kidspace, Norton Simon, and Pasadena Museum of History.
- Provide 3D printers, instruction, and supplies to every PUSD school.
- Incubate a radically accelerated math program–Math Academy–for middle and high school students.
- Operate a Robotics program at middle schools.
- And so much more!
Ways You Can Support Our Schools

The Pasadena Educational Foundation encourages new donors to join our dedicated and growing circle of friends. With the support of a passionate and committed community, we can continue to make an impact in the lives of every student, at every school, every day. Donate, honor a teacher, or memorialize another with a gift.
Please feel free to contact David Spiro at (626) 396-3600 x88372, or dspiro@pasedfoundation.org.

Partners collaborate with PEF to provide expertise, funding, resources, and people-power to help make programs and activities happen.
Please feel free to contact us at 626.396.3625 or connect@pasedfoundation.org

Become a Legacy Society Member
Become a member of the Legacy Society. You may consider several planned giving “vehicles”, the Pasadena Educational Foundation can assist you in determining an appropriate vehicle for your planned giving.
Please feel free to contact David Spiro at (626) 396-3600 x88372, or dspiro@pasedfoundation.org.

Volunteer & Participate in Events
Join a PEF committee, be an ambassador, help at a school, participate in our events, community meetings, and activities.
Please feel free to contact Nancy Carol Inguanzo at 626.396.3625 or ncinguanzo@pasedfoundation.org.

Every time you make a purchase with the Vromans Gives Back program, either online or in their store, you can choose to have a portion of the proceeds donated to PEF.
Pasadena Educational Foundation unites the power of our committed community to help to raise between $12 and $15 million dollars a year for the Pasadena Unified School District.
Some Giving FAQs
For more information on how best to impact our schools with your gift, contact us at dspiro@pased.orgWho benefits from PEF’s work?
Students, parents, teachers, and staff of the public schools of Altadena, Pasadena, and Sierra Madre. When you support public schools you support the entire community.
How can I donate to the Foundation?
You can:
• Make a cash, securities, in-kind, or real estate gift of any amount.
• Designate your payroll contribution gift to PEF.
• Ask your employer to match your gift to PEF.
• Name PEF as a beneficiary in your will/trust or insurance policy.
Is my gift to PEF tax deductible?
Yes, to the full extent of the law. PEF is a 501 (c) (3) Tax ID# 23-7149451
May I donate to a particular program?
Yes, you can designate your gift to a particular school or PUSD or PEF program. You may also contribute to one of our high school scholarship funds.
Do you accept furniture, equipment, and computers?
Please contact us first to determine whether the schools can use your items. If they can, we will discuss terms of delivery.