Every Student. Every School. Every Day. DONATE!
Realty Initiative
Recognizing the enormously important role real estate agents play in influencing the community’s view of our public schools, the Pasadena Educational Foundation works collaboratively with area real estate agents, Pasadena Education Network (PEN), and the PUSD to provide opportunities for real estate agents to learn more and get further connected to our schools.
PEF’s Realty Initiative is a nationally recognized program that:
- Helps real estate agents see our public schools as they really are now.
- Equips real estate agents with current public school information.
- Encourages real estate agents to be active ambassadors for the schools.
Through our partnership with the Pasadena-Foothills Association of REALTORS® and PEN we host a PUSD REALTOR® Certification Course that has now certified more than 70 local real estate agents and provided them with the tools and information to better serve their clients and their community.
For a directory of PUSD Certified Realty Agents go here.
Interested in knowing more about this initiative? Contact connect@pasedfoundation.org
Realty Initiative Activities
PUSD REALTOR® Certification Course
Upcoming Course: October 2, 2024 at Hamilton Elementary
Contact Anthony at PFAR to register: anthony@pfar.org
Pasadena-area real estate agents can get a leg up on your competition and become a local expert at the Pasadena-Foothills Association of REALTORS® PUSD Certification Course. Learn about innovative programs, get conversation starters and useful talking points for your clients, take a realty agent only school tour, and discover the many options available to families in our Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre public schools. Courses is done in partnership with the Pasadena Educational Foundation and the Pasadena Education Network and is offered twice a year.
Find out more here: https://pfar.org/pusd/
I just recently became a certified PUSD Real Estate Agent and was so impressed with what our local schools are providing to our kids and their families.
Real Estate Agents Read Across PASadena
Real estate agents from all across Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre came out to our elementary schools to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and read to our students. Thank you to all who participated in sharing your love of learning with our students.
As Dr. Seuss’s character The Lorax says,
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Exploring Pasadena’s Remarkable Architecture
Together with Pasadena Heritage, Pasadena Education Network, and our local real estate agents, PEF hosted a public tour of 4 of PUSD’s remarkable collection of public school buildings that date from the early 1900s and were designed by some of the most accomplished architects in the region.
Find out more and see photos from the architectural tour here.
A recommendation from our Realty Liaisons led to the user-friendly welcome center at the front entrance to the PUSD Education Center.
The Realty Initiative encourages area realty agents to get further involved with PUSD schools through:
Providing current school updates and literature for realty agents for open houses and to share with their clients.
Opportunities to meet the Superintendent and School Board members.
Occasional presentations by PEF and PEN during regular realty firm office meetings.
Coordinating school tours.
Principal for a Day
Annual Real Estate Agents Read Across PASadena
Real estate agent sponsored 2nd grade summer reading book campaign
Adopt a school opportunities
Architectural tour in conjunction with Pasadena Heritage
Our Partners

Support Our Schools!
The Realty Initiative is one of the many ways the Pasadena Educational Foundation helps to connect the resources of our community with our schools to create a vibrant and enriching educational experience for all public school children in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre.