Every Student. Every School. Every Day. DONATE!
Supporting Our Schools Makes a Real Impact
Pasadena Educational Foundation harnesses the power of our committed community to help to raise between $12 and $15 million dollars a year for the Pasadena Unified School District. Those funds include large government grants, foundation grants, and individual donations, which together help us support myriad essential programs from the large to the small. Some programs are run by PEF, others by PUSD, and still others represent various levels of partnership. From the smallest Friendship Bench to the largest Magnet Program, PEF works with our community partners to impact every student, every school, every day!
With support from our community we:
- Raised millions in grant money for our schools, including the $14.5 million Federal Magnet Grant.
- Helped PUSD to integrate arts education at every grade level through grants from the Rothenberg Art Fund and Tony Bennett’s Exploring the Arts Foundation.
- Piloted the middle school performing arts program, Open Stage serving 300 students at 5 schools with a $79,500 NEA Grant.
- Led 8,000 K-6 grade students on a cultural and artistic journey through 10 of our local world class museums with our My Masterpieces program. PEF was awarded a $20,000 Art Alliance Image Award to help support the My Masterpieces program.
- Expanded early education dance and theatre programs with integrated arts curriculum from PreK through the second grade throughout the district.
- Awarded 136 Teacher Grants to 169 educators including 18 school-wide grants totaling more than $2303 ,000.
- Provided transportation for approximately 300 class field trips for thousands of students through our Field Trip Fund.
- Assisted in securing buses to take every third grader to learn water safety and swimming skills in the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center’s PUSD swim program.
- Bolstered access to vital services and healthy living resources at the new Office of Student and Family Services headquartered at Madison Elementary in the heart of our Northwest Pasadena community.
- Provided scholarships almost 40% of our more than 1,000 Summer Enrichment Program students.
- Distributed more than $85,000 in college scholarships.
- Secured $25,000 to provide summer internship stipends for 130 high school students.
- Supported each school’s Annual Fund efforts which collectively raised over $1.000,000.
- Developed the nationally recognized Realty Initiative to partner with our community’s realtors to disseminates accurate information about our public schools.
- Expanded the School-Community Gardens to include 9 beautiful edible gardens and outdoor classrooms, including a master gardener and farm to table programs.
Supported the expansion of athletic programs and facilities including the renovation of Stadium 42, John Muir’s baseball field and a new scoreboard at Blair.
- Developed and incubated inventive STEM programs, such as the App Academy at Pasadena High, middle school robotics, 3D printing and virtual reality stations, and the new Math Academy that is radically accelerating mathematics instruction.
- And more…
We are making our schools and our community stronger. We couldn’t do it without you!
Here are our latest updates & stories.
Exploring Our Schools. Celebrating Our 14th Annual Principal for a Day
Pasadena Educational Foundation celebrated our 14th annual Principal for a Day event with 33 extraordinary community members serving as guest principals at each of our unique Pasadena Unified School District…
Chess – For The Fun Of It
It’s so much easier to do something you find fun. Teachers know this. It’s why they spend hours compiling lesson plans for students, trying their best to include engaging tasks…
Back to School Fundraising Kicks Off with Annual Fund Breakfasts
The Pasadena Educational Foundation holds 27 annual fund accounts for Pasadena Unified School District schools, which allows parents and principals to raise money for their school’s greatest needs and highest…
Thank You TIAA’s Pasadena Office!
Thank you to TIAA’s Pasadena Office for supporting the Pasadena Educational Foundation and Blair Middle School! As part of TIAA’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative, the Pasadena office partnered with the…
A Day of Sportsmanship and Learning
What else compares to the love we have for sport? We make role models of modern day gladiators, young and, well… middle-aged, who sweat and toil on the fields of…
Learning Skills to Flourish in the Modern Economy
Ever heard the term “soft skills”? It doesn’t come in a cone from Dairy Queen. Soft skills are capabilities such as critical thinking, teamwork, and work ethic which enable a…
Celebrate the Grand Reopening of John Muir Early College Magnet
“The renovations at John Muir are a symbol of our proud Mustang traditions and our promising future” —John Muir Principal Dr. Lawton Gray III. Come to the John Muir High…
School Gardens Don’t Go on Summer Vacation
by Nancy Carol Inguanzo, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator School gardens don’t go on summer vacation; they go into high gear. But who takes care of the 19 school gardens while…
PEF Hosts Welcome Back Breakfast for PUSD Staff & Teachers
The Pasadena Educational Foundation, with support from community sponsors, welcomed back 2,000 Pasadena Unified School District teachers, staff, and administrators today with a Welcome Back Breakfast & Resource Fair held…
Help Our Schools Thrive!
With your support the Pasadena Educational Foundation helps to create a vibrant and enriching educational experience for all public school children in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre.