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PUSD Proud for 50 Years!
Anniversaries are a time of reflection and remembrance, and also present a time to imagine and explore what lies ahead.
We begin our next 50-years as we began our first; with a deep sense of pride in our PUSD schools, our colleagues, our students, and the wider Altadena, Pasadena, and Sierra Madre communities. We also begin with an intensified mission to help achieve excellence and equity in all our PUSD schools.
Looking forward to the next 50 years together.
Thank you!
Throughout our 50th Anniversary celebration PEF has been honoring and reconnecting with our partners, sponsors, donors, and community members through events, stories, and presentations.
Support Our Schools
There are many meaningful ways for members of our community to join with PEF and support our schools.
- GIVE: Donate, honor a teacher, or memorialize another with a gift.
- VOLUNTEER: Join a PEF committee, be an ambassador, help at a school.
- PARTICIPATE: In events, community meetings, and activities.
- SPONSOR: An event, a program, or grants to teachers.
- PARTNER: Partners collaborate with PEF to provide expertise, funding, resources, and people power to help make programs and activities happen.

Celebrating our 50th anniversary and our community.

We build dynamic community partnerships.

Is your business or organization interested in learning more about PEF?