While high school graduations definitely looked different this year, one thing remains the same—the amazing talent, spirit, passion, and strength of Pasadena Unified’s graduating seniors.
PEF encourages businesses and community members to establish college scholarship awards through us and has distributed over $50,000 in the past few years.
Here are some spotlights on a few of our scholarships and recipients.
We hope you will enjoy reading these stories.
Celebrating the New Hopes and Dreams Scholarship
Celebrating the Inaugural Year of the Hopes and Dreams Scholarship In the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the following protests and campaigns for greater accountability and equality in our economic, political, and social systems, current Marshall parents Martin and Katrina Ortega had been thinking about how they could support……
Celebrating the Manwani Famiy Scholaship in 2020
Celebrating the Manwani Family Scholarship in 2020 by Brianna Chu In its second year, the Manwani Family Scholarship is a scholarship specifically for Marshall Fundamental graduates, created by Marshall alumnus Bhart Manwani. Mr. Manwani and his older brother attended Don Benito Fundamental School and then Marshall Fundamental School after they……
Celebrating the Norman Schmidt Visual Arts Scholarship in 2020
Celebrating the Norman Schmidt Visual Arts Scholarship in 2020 by Brianna Chu The Norman Schmidt Visual Arts Scholarship is named after the beloved Director of Art and art teacher, recognized by fellow teachers and students alike for his deep love of art, great smile…and his signature moustache and red socks!……
Scholarship Stories by Brianna Chu | Digital Storyteller
Brianna Chu was born and raised in Pasadena, California, only leaving her hometown to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to the University of St Andrews in Scotland, where she earned her Master of Arts degree in International Relations and Psychology. Upon returning to the States, she began sharing stories of local restauranteurs and their food for the Pasadena Independent. She now also holds the role of Digital Storyteller for the Pasadena Educational Foundation.