
Our Stories

PUSD Proud Update: Ethnic Studies Recognized by UC System

A team of Pasadena Unified School District experts has been recognized by the University of California for the establishment of an Ethnic Studies course in our high schools.

The course was created to broaden the perspective of American history available to our students and was funded in part by grants secured by the Pasadena Educational Foundation. While the state of California is not adding this course to its graduation requirements until 2030, thanks to PUSD leadership, the district was able to launch its inaugural course this school year. The course they created meets University of California’s college-ready requirements for History/Social Studies or as an elective credit. Students have been very receptive. One student remarked, “Even though we learned about heavy topics, we were in an environment that allowed us to process it and truly reflect on ourselves and history.”

Special thanks to district administrators and teachers for their hard work and insight in leading Ethnic Studies course development: Helen Hill, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development, Dr. Manuel Rustin and Totam Dao (John Muir), David Flores (Pasadena High), Andrea Flores and Joshua Tornek (Marshall Fundamental), Rhyna Vasquez and Noraryr Daduryan (Blair), Ngozi Ezieme (Rose City), Jose Ortega (Curriculum Specialist), and Sehba Sarwar (Artist-in-Residence – Blair).

Read about their process in the University of California’s High School Articulation Newsletter.

Yet another reason PEF is PUSD Proud!