
App Academy

App Academy at Spokeo

This spring, 55 App Academy sophomores were invited to spend the day at Spokeo, a Pasadena-based software company. The students were given advice and encouragement from Spokeo engineers, programmers, and staff who spoke about their jobs, backgrounds, and experiences. Spokeo founder Harrison Tang gave an inspirational presentation about perseverance, flexibility,…...

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Raiders of the Lost Can

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014, the Pasadena Educational Foundation sent a group of over two hundred Pasadena Unified middle school robotics students to Caltech to take a lab tour, hear a lecture on neuroscience, and learn about the relationship between neuroscience and programming robotics. The day culminated in attending Raiders of…...

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App Academy Students Win at Hackathon

Every time you go to the E&W Manager website you are greeted with one of over 150 tips on how to help you save electricity and water from the built in random tip generator. E&W Manager, the prize-winning entry in the Hack for Pasadena app competition, was developed by a…...

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