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Summer Youth Leader Volunteer Program
Why Volunteer?
As a Youth Leader volunteer, not only will you have fun expanding your horizons, sharing your talents, and developing important life skills for college and career readiness, you’ll play an integral and meaningful role in our Summer Enrichment Program experience. You’ll serve as a mentor to younger students and inspire them to truly love learning. You’ll also learn how to help our teachers and assist with office organization enabling all our systems to run smoother.
Registration opens online on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Summer Youth Leaders
Entering 9th grade and up
Must serve a minimum of three weeks
Our Youth Leaders enjoy serving in our program because of our inviting, diverse, and inclusive community where they build relationships with new kinds of people, learn more about themselves, and make real impacts on the lives of others. Our program teaches them to collaborate, build communication skills, expand their capacity for empathy, learn greater responsibility, and discover what it really means to be a leader.
Many of our Youth Leaders are alumni of our Summer Enrichment Program and feel drawn to give back to the program they so loved as a younger person. Their dedication demonstrates an interest in more than just service hours; it is a testament to character that no test score can quantify!
Volunteering in our program requires
patience, dedication, enthusiasm, and commitment.
Are you ready to become a Youth Leader? Research has shown that individuals who engage in community service are more responsible, have higher self-esteem, and are more resilient. Volunteering helps teens in particular gain skills necessary for the job market such as leadership, communication skills, dependability, time management, professionalism, and decision making. Studies also show that teens who volunteer perform better at school and build a stronger resume for college and scholarship applications.
Here’s what our Youth Leaders have to say!
“This has been one of the better life experiences for me. Collaborating with kids is another strength to add to my skill set.”
“It’s teaching me to be more responsible and empathetic.”
“I’m extremely grateful to be a part of this program. It helps me grow and learn more about myself.”
“It has taught me a lot such as responsibility, leadership, social and communication skills.”
“I’d like you to know that PEF really has something going on with its summer program. I’m definitely coming back! I’ve never seen anything like this.”
See the recipients of our 2024 Youth Leader Awards.
Where does the program take place?
Our program takes place at separate school sites. In your application, you will choose your location.
What’s the schedule like?
Youth Leader volunteers serve in a class that reflects their interests. Committing to arriving on time and serving consistently is an important aspect of your service.
5 weeks
Monday – Thursday (No Classes on holidays)
Youth Leaders volunteer from 8 am – 12:45 pm (with breaks)
Free lunch for volunteers
Training is done online and on the Saturday before the launch of the program in-person. The training is mandatory for new volunteers. We go over expectations, duties, the rules of service, and answer any questions you may have. Service reminders will be reinforced during your time with us through weekly emailed survey reflections, which are a required part of earning your service hours.
Saturday, June 8
Two one-hour sessions are held in the morning.
Youth Leaders attend at assigned times.
What kinds of things will I be doing?
After checking in at the office each morning, you’ll report to your assigned classroom where you will begin your day by asking what the teacher needs. From there, your work will expand to include such activities as:
- Offering one-on-one and small group support
- Demonstrating skills or concepts
- Explaining directions in new ways
- Providing positive feedback and constructive critiques
- Monitoring and encouraging project progress
- Organizing materials
- Serving as an enthusiastic role model
- Offering emotional as well as academic support
- Monitoring hallway and playground activity
Ok, I’m in! How does it work?
- Browse the Summer Enrichment Program brochure.
- Download and read the PEF Summer Volunteer Handbook 2024.
- Consider your interests, what classes catch your eye, and your preferred location.
- Commit to serving for a minimum of 3 weeks, but preferably 5, of the program.*
- Contemplate what you hope to learn through this experience.
- Register to serve as a Youth Leader online when our program launches.
We encourage students to apply early to get their choice of school site and area of interest. Returning Youth Leaders are given priority.