Every Student. Every School. Every Day. DONATE!

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Building Dynamic Community Partnerships to Support Our Schools

Pasadena Educational Foundation unites the power of our committed community to help to raise between $12 and $15 million dollars a year for the Pasadena Unified School District. Those funds include large government grants, foundation grants, individual, and corporate donations, which together help us support myriad essential programs from the large to the small. Some programs are run by PEF, others by PUSD, and still others represent various levels of partnership. From the smallest Friendship Bench to the largest Magnet Program, PEF works with our community partners to impact every student, every school, every day!

“The support that the Pasadena Educational Foundation provides our schools is essential to keeping our momentum going. Our schools are stronger today and will be even stronger tomorrow thanks to this outstanding partnership.”

—Dr. Brian McDonald
Former Superintendent, Pasadena Unified School District

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Our Board

The Pasadena Educational Foundation is led by a diverse group of volunteer board members who are deeply rooted in our community, committed to the mission of the organization, and passionate about public education. Board members are business and civic leaders, educators, parents, and professionals who collectively work to make a better future for our students and our community.

Erik Berg

Board President

Del Lile

Vice President, Development

Rick Kidd

Vice President, Community Engagement

Karen Burgess

Vice President, Board Affairs

Dominick Correy

Vice President, Programs

D. Barton Doyle


Felita Kealing


Luisa Rengifo-Estrada

Immediate Past President

Heather Backstrom

George A. Brumder

Mimi Carter

William B. Creim

Frances Chiang Dayman

Sarah Deschenes

Karina Montilla Edmonds

Niki Elliott

Jonathan S. Fuhrman

Tamerlin J. Godley

Lawton Gray

Carina Jacob

Sharon Lefler

Julia McCallin

Jennifer Miyake-Trapp

Linda Morales

Will Morris

Angelita Mont O’Brien

Dawn Carson O’Keeffe

James Patterson

Elizabeth Pomeroy

Teri Richardson

Marguerite Ann Snow

Alma M. Stokes

William E. Thomson, Jr.

LaWayne Williams

Patrick Zarifian

PUSD Board Liaisons

Dr. Elizabeth Blanco

Michelle Richardson Bailey

Tina Fredericks

Leadership Advisory Council

George Abdo
Steve English
Joan H. Fauvre
Priscilla Gamb

Portia Harris
Phil Hettema
Jacqueline Jacobs
Jane Kaczmarek

Maria Khader-Karp
Harvey Knell
Doug Kranwinkle
Bhart Manwani

Lorna Touryan Miller
Molly Munger
Wendy Munger
Kathy J. Onoye

Katrina Cabrera Ortega
Martin Ortega
Anthony Portantino
Dan Rothenberg

Scott W. Van Dellen
Rich Webster
Felicia Williams
Melissa Winham

Our Staff

The Pasadena Educational Foundation staff, led by Executive Director Patrick Conyers, are deeply committed to the mission of PEF and the students, schools, and teachers in the Pasadena Unified School District. Every day they bring a collaborative spirit, dedication, and resourcefulness that allows them to impact the lives of every student at every school every day.

Contact Us
351 South Hudson Avenue, Room 153
Pasadena, CA 91101

Phone: 626.396.3625
Email: pef@pasedfoundation.org

Patrick Conyers

Executive Director

Phyllis Fash | Scholarships Manager
626.396.3625 x88521

Tony Gordo | Programs Manager
626.396.3625 x88356

Nancy Carol Inguanzo | Community Engagement Manager
626.396.3625 x88352

Marleni Jimenez | Development Manager
626.396.3625 x88358

Stuart Litjen | Projects Coordinator
626.396.3625 x88297

Monica Bosserman Lopez | Marketing Director
626.396.3625 x88357

Laura McKinzie | Accounting Director
626.396.3625 x88355

Chris Perez | Development Associate
626.396.3625 x88349

Ana Maria Piñeros | Accountant
626.396.3625 x88355

Kyle Radcliff | Grants Manager
626.396.3625 x88215

Sehba Sarwar | Student Engagement Manager
626.396.3625 x88188

David Spiro | Development Director
626.396.3625 x88372

Teresa Wang | Senior Development Associate
626.396.3625 x88351