Support innovation in our schools!
Middle School Robotics is one of the many ways the Pasadena Educational Foundation helps to create a vibrant and enriching educational experience for all public school children in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre.
Arts, Music, Dual Language, IB, College Pathways, and more.
Here are 15+ things you might not know about PUSD today.
For the 2017program we hosted over 100 dedicated adult and teen Volunteer Classroom Assistants provided hands-on support to our students and teachers. This summer our volunteers again have opportunity to serve as experts and mentors in their chosen field, explore career options in teaching and administration, and fulfill community service hours required for graduation. Competitive internships are also available to PUSD College and Career Academy students and to others who complete the full-five weeks of the program. Weekly staff-lead discussions will support volunteers as they become school community leaders.
Thank You
The PEF Summer Enrichment program is made possible with the support of our community partners, foundations, and donor contributions. With their vital support we are able to provide a vibrant and affordable summer program for the students in our community. We are grateful for their support.
PUSD Today
Arts, Music, Dual Language, IB, College Pathways, and more.
Here are 15+ things you might not know about PUSD today.
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