I think I was always going to be someone whose language was acts of service and balancing career with community service. A lot of
times I knew I wanted to go into a corporate role, but wanted to also keep the volunteering roots I was raised with. My parents instilled
the idea that being successful is important, but being humble and generous is crucial.

Right now, I am an Executive Director for a wonderful group – Rusnak Auto Group. I got my Juris Doctorate and that really helped me garner the confidence, skills, and aptitude for the job I wanted in Human Resources and compliance adjacent components.

However, I think it is equally important to give back to the community you live in because if not, you’re not helping shape it. I now serve on five Boards in the local San Gabriel Valley community and I love it.

A lot of people think once you work in the corporate world, your heart hardens. I disagree. It encouraged me to network beyond my career by investing in the community I work in. Your time is valuable and how you spend it is what you are going to look back on and take inventory of. A successful career was something we were raised we needed to build a foundation and legacy, But service is how we enhance that. I believe the best executives are well-rounded community advocates.

I went to law school part-time so I could work full-time, but I did it two years removed from graduating from college. During that time, I had my first big Management position at a video game company and was so excited that I felt I was finally getting where I wanted to be.

Fast forward, our company went under and we all were laid off. So picture you’re the HR Manager and you lay off everyone and you yourself are also laid off. I had tuition, I had bills and was really worried I would have to give up on law school, but I knew myself better than that. I would always find a way.

At that time, I started a tutoring business and worked part-time until I could find full-time employment again. It was hard because you’re working multiple jobs and people are telling you to focus on school. I was! But it was a strange, hard balance. I was studying at night on weekends and every time I could because I knew that was my ticket to what I really wanted. Looking back, I don’t know how I had the energy, but when you need something you just find ways to get it done.

Bio Source: https://voyagela.com/interview/rising-stars-meet-valerie-mendoza-of-altadena/